Nerja – Maro Marine Park

SCUBA DIVING trips are also available on and from our boat for the experienced Scuba Diver in possession of a valid C-card. Scuba trips are not usually combined with regular sightseeing trips unless you are all part of the same group on the same trip together.

The boat is fully insured, licensed for 8 people and in tip top shape and is technically superior carrying a full compliment of safety equipment on board.

The safety and enjoyment of our clients is our primary concern. We also have equipped the boat with with top quality Hydro-static automatically inflating life jackets and we have various communications on-board to ensure our clients safety.

We have a very experienced licensed PADI Dive Master / Instructor teacher on-board at all times who is also a PADI trained (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) and certified Emergency First Responder. (EFR)

Scuba diving service/trips and tours from Torre del Mar to Nerja, Maro & La Herradura. Exqusite Marine reserve teaming with life a fab scuba dive experience

For more information on Scuba Diving please contact us and we’ll give you prices, details and answer any questions.

PADI Dive Master / Instructor

Abundance of fish and fauna at Maro, Cerro Gordo, Nerja Natural Marine Reserve Park

Try Diving

Try-diving has an extra cost of 50€ per person.

Scuba Tank Services

We offer two methods of Scuba tank filling. Static or mobile from our base at the La Caleta Marina



ACTUAL SCUBA DIVING can only be carried out by qualified divers who are in possession of a valid C-card, in good health and have dive insurance. By the very nature of Scuba Diving, Scuba Dive trips have to be booked independently and separately from regular trips.
ALCOHOL! Anyone arriving to go Scuba Diving with us and who is intoxicated or definitely under the weather from over indulgence due to alcohol consumption from the previous night will not be accepted for diving.

Costaboattrips retain the right to cancel the dive trip of any person we consider not in a fit and proper condition to dive.

TRY-SCUBA DIVING is also available with us in very shallow waters and near the shore for the more adventurous amongst you. This has to be booked in advance as we need to know your size and other details.

Try-diving is not included in your trip price and has an extra cost of 50€ per person.

Scuba dive trips Nerja, Torre del Mar, Caleta, Malaga


We offer two methods of Scuba tank filling.  Static or mobile from our base at the La Caleta Marina.  We have a mobile tank filling service using our new NARDI Italian compressor with new filters – for super clean pure air.


We can tank fill at our base here at marina or we can come to the beach to fill your tanks if you so wish or you can drop them off and pick them up later. We’re mobile too!
(+34) 615 598 270